Roland Belmond

World’s Best Casino Art Collections

When in a casino hotel, the only thing you can think of is a large casino area, a great bar, great good, loading, shopping spree, and a lot more.  However, if you are more into art and culture, you would like to search for a casino art collection. The good news is there are the […]

Roland Belmond

The Best Art Museums

One of the best places in the world to see art is at art museums. Most major cities and even many small towns have at least one art museum. Seeing art up close is a great way to enjoy it. While pictures are helpful, they do not tell the whole story. The best way to […]

Roland Belmond

My Favorite Artists

I really love nearly all forms of art. While it’s hard for me to choose just a few artists, there are some people who stand out to me as being particular representative of the kid of art that I like to see. Such artists really bring out something that wasn’t there before. With their help, […]

Roland Belmond

All About Sculpture

Sculpture is one of the oldest of all art forms. Artists have been using rock to carve pieces for many centuries. Today, this ancient art is still quite popular. Many sculptures today still work to help us all explore space and understand how metal and other materials can be full of life and movement even […]

Roland Belmond

Beginning a Collection

One of the most wonderful things about art is that anyone can collect it. Art collecting has been and remains a pastime that many people enjoy even today. As an art collector, I can certainly say that collecting art has brought enormous joy into my own life. I did not start out with a huge […]

Roland Belmond

Understanding Color

Color is something that is fundamental to our understanding of art. Most artists use color in varied ways. In order to look at art property, it is necessary to look at it as something that uses color. Basic color theory is a must that all art fans need to know once they plan to study […]

Roland Belmond

My Art Education

My own art education began at a very young age. My late mom painted in her spare time. I remember her standing vividly in a pool of intense colors, each brighter than the next. She loved art and helped all of us who love follow along with her as she created a word of her […]

Roland Belmond

Who I am

My name is Roland Belmond. I am someone who is deeply fascinated with art of all kinds. Art is not just something to look at. To me, art is all about passion and being part of a larger world of self-expression and beauty. I want to be all around me no matter where I go […]